During a recent audit, the Human Resources Department discovered a need to update a number employee’s Missouri W4 forms. An initial request to update these forms was mailed to impacted employees, however, many are still outstanding. The company is in the process of sending out a final notice regarding these forms. If you receive a Missouri W4 in the mail, please complete it and send it back to Human Resources for processing. Failure to turn in a new W4 may result in your filing status being defaulted to “Single” with zero exemptions.

Last week, IRS form 1095-C was mailed to employees’ residences. Form 1095-C provides information regarding employer-provided health insurance coverage or offers of coverage. It may also detail the months of coverage for employees and their eligible dependents. Form 1095-C is required by the IRS as part of the Affordable Care Act, but does not have to be turned in with your tax return.

 As we approach the midpoint of the fiscal year, please ensure that your goals are entered and approved in the company’s performance management system. Managers should review and approve all goals created by their employees. Keep in mind when creating and approving goals, they will be included in your 2017 performance appraisal. There should be no more than 5 goals per employee. Goals should be based on significant projects or efforts to be completed during the 2017 fiscal year. If you do not have specific performance goals based upon projects, a company goal will be assigned to all employees at a later date.