Floyd OuderkirkAfter 32 years of service with the company, Floyd Ouderkirk is retiring on Aug. 2. Ouderkirk joined the company as a plant manager in Eldon when MFA Oil acquired Ready Gas in 1987. During his long tenure with the company, Ouderkirk held a variety of roles with the company, including training agent, district manager and territory service manager.

For 20 years, Ouderkirk managed the company’s west central district. During that timeframe, his district was frequently among the top-performing regions and experienced a great deal of growth. Ouderkirk has been in his current role as territory service manager since 2015.

In addition to his traditional work duties, Ouderkirk served on the board of directors for the MFA Oil Foundation and the Missouri Institute of Cooperatives.

“Floyd has always been a go-to source for the company and he has passed along his vast knowledge to a wide range of people,” says Kenny Steeves, vice president of bulk fuel and propane operations. “His work ethic and industry understanding have made him a great mentor for many MFA Oil employees throughout the years. We wish Floyd the best in his retirement.”

To celebrate the contributions that Ouderkirk has made to the company during his 32-year career, MFA Oil is hosting two retirement parties:

Columbia, Home Office – Friday, August 2 at 2 pm

Sedalia, Best Western – Monday, August 5 from 4 to 6 pm