MFA Oil is officially entering the solar energy business with the creation of Energized Solar, a new division within the company. The decision to pursue solar opportunities was approved at the most recent meeting of the MFA Oil Board of Directors.
Energized Solar will install ground-mounted solar panel arrays for farmers, rural residents and other interested parties within the company’s established trade area beginning on Sept. 1, 2021.
“Solar power is an area where we see an opportunity to work with our members to improve the sustainability of their operations,” says Jon Ihler, president and CEO. “We’ve provided energy solutions to our member-owners for more than 90 years, and we will continue to evaluate non-traditional avenues like solar to ensure the cooperative is built to adapt to the future.”
Ed Harper, vice president of enterprise risk management, and Brian Arnold, construction manager, are leading the new solar division. Harper and Arnold were directly involved in the solar pilot project installed last year in Moberly, Mo., at the company’s Business Support Campus. The Moberly installation is expected to generate about 140,000 kilowatt-hours of energy per year or the equivalent electric usage of 13 U.S. homes for one year.
“Solar fits well with our existing energy products and services,” Harper says. “The technology powering solar panels has come a long way in recent years, and it’s become much more affordable. We’ve studied its power generation potential, the cost of installation, and the incentives available from the government, and it’s clear solar has great promise for anyone looking to improve the sustainability of their home, farm or business.”
As the new division gets started, MFA Oil will work with a vendor that will assist with the design and engineering needs while also bringing experience with permits and working with utility companies. As Energized Solar grows, the company will begin to replace vendor resources with in-house resources. A solar customer service representative will be hired to handle customer inquiries, and additional staff will be added down the road.