The Human Resources department completed a major project with the rollout of Dayforce. The centralized HR platform gives employees access to key information such as timesheets, earnings, benefits, performance reviews, and learning opportunities.
Amanda Cooper, vice president of human resources, says Dayforce brings many benefits to the company, including consolidating the number of systems employees use for HR purposes from six to one.
“Dayforce will make it much easier for our employees to access important information,” Cooper says. “Rather than having to navigate and remember multiple systems, Dayforce offers a top-of-the-line single-source solution for all things related to our employees and management experience.”
MFA Oil provided Dayforce training to over 800 employees across three weeks in September. Employee Development Manager Kelli Farris and her team led the training effort, which included in-person and virtual classes.
“Since we are a large and broadly distributed company, it was important for us to find a way to deliver employee training in as many ways as possible to ensure a positive experience when we went live with Dayforce,” Farris says. “We knew some folks would learn best by being in person, while others could pick it up via virtual training, which saved productivity time for many employees who would have had to travel for in-person training.”
Training sessions were offered on multiple days and times to allow employees to pick the option most convenient to their schedule. The company held 27 virtual sessions, seven full-day in-person sessions for managers, and 11 block training in-person sessions for field employees.
Farris says insights gained from the training process may create opportunities to deliver more mixed learning and development programming.
“Often, we rely on virtual video courses or in-person classes to train people, but now that we have experience doing virtual sessions, we hope to provide more going forward,” Farris says.
The Employee Development team is working to create Dayforce job aids and video tutorials for new employees and anyone wanting a Dayforce refresher. All newly hired employees and managers will be assigned Dayforce training as part of their onboarding experience. As new features in Dayforce are rolled out over the next year, additional tutorials will be released.
Farris says the rollout of Dayforce was a massive team effort from the entire HR department, including the presenting team that included Tom May, Nermine El Khatib and herself, and Andrew Crawford, who is developing the job aids and video tutorials.
“I want to thank everyone for the engagement and support throughout the process, especially the managers, executives, and leaders who ensured as many employees as possible could attend training so they would be best situated for success moving forward. We know change is difficult, but we hope the training has helped ease that transition wherever possible.”
Employees throughout the company now use Dayforce regularly for everyday tasks and important events such as Open Enrollment, which began on November 6 and runs through November 20. If you have yet to complete the Open Enrollment process, please log into Dayforce to select your benefit elections. Cooper says employees need to ensure their personal information, such as insurance beneficiaries, was successfully transferred to Dayforce.