Bicycle riders attempting to trek across Missouri recently received a boost in Moberly, Mo. MFA Oil employees served a free breakfast, including breakfast burritos and biscuits and gravy, to the 580 bikers passing through the city on June 15 as part of Bike Across Missouri or Big BAM, the annual cross state bike tour and music festival.
“We received nothing but positive feedback from the riders,” says Don North, product development director. “A lot of the bikers said Moberly was their favorite route stop because they got a hot, free meal.”
The participants started their journey across the state on June 10 in Weston, Mo., just northwest of Kansas City. Bikers averaged about 60-70 miles per day, camping or lodging in different cities along the way. The ride ended on June 16 by the Mississippi River in Louisiana, Mo.
Big BAM riders participated from throughout Missouri and neighboring states to as far away as Canada.
“A lot of seasoned bikers look for rides like Bike Across Missouri,” North said. “We were just delighted we were able to participate in such a fun event that allows bikers to enjoy long, outdoor rides.”