Break Time store managers gathered in Branson, Mo., on October 18 and 19 for their 2023 retreat. The meeting provided store managers with opportunities to hear from Curtis Chaney, senior vice president of retail, and Jennifer Bach, vice president of Break Time operations.
Chaney, who will retire in December, said the systems that Break Time has in place will ensure a smooth transition to Bach’s leadership. Chaney has led the Break Time division since December 2014.
Bach provided highlights from the 2023 fiscal year and discussed plans for Break Time in 2024. She announced that Break Time will significantly expand its breakfast program to 25 additional locations during FY24. New ovens and bean-to-cup coffee brewers will be shipped to the stores where breakfast service is added.
As consumer comfort levels with cashier-less retail technology increase, Bach said Break Time would broaden its use of the technology to provide customers with speedier checkouts. Break Time successfully piloted self-check at three locations in FY23 and plans to expand self-checkout to 20 additional stores in FY24.
Ed Harper, vice president of enterprise risk management, shared safety results from the Break Time division. Break Time realized a 39% reduction in total claims year-over-year, including a 35% drop in workers’ compensation claims.
The group discussed the book “The Ideal Team Player” by Patrick Lencioni and the three virtues that great team players embody: humility, hunger and people smarts. Lencioni says, “The power this combination yields drastically accelerates and improves the process of building high-performing teams.”
Other highlights from the meeting included a vendor trade show, a social hour, and an awards banquet where top-performing managers were honored. An 80s cover band provided evening entertainment and the retreat’s second day featured team-building fun at BigShots Golf in Springfield, Mo.
Top Managers by Category
Total Gallons—Michael Conroy, 3167 Sedalia
Gallons Increase—Johnathon Cook, 3169 Ashland
Store Sales—October Koonce, 3125 Poplar Bluff
Store Sales Increase—Tasha Flandermeyer, 3166 Columbia
Foodservice Sales—Michael Conroy, 3167 Sedalia
Foodservice Sales Increase—Rob Gannon, 3001 Columbia
Hot/Cold Dispensed Sales—October Koonce, 3125 Poplar Bluff
Overtime Ratio—Daniela Lee, 3126 Piedmont
Lowest Loss %—Cinda Lavery, 3091 Tipton
Net Income Improvement—Michelle Blevins, 3140 Holden
MyTime Rewards Usage %—Amy Worthy, 3036 Higginsville
Average Transaction—Michelle Shores, 3004 Lake Ozark
Lowest Turnover—Cinda Lavery, 3091 Tipton
Turnover Improvement—Thomas Harrison, 3003 Columbia
Customer Count—October Koonce, 3125 Poplar Bluff